Welcome to Orion Christian Church !


Orion Christian Church is simply a group of everyday people who are committed to following Jesus.  We value loving relationships and desire that our church be a community of people who care for one another in practical ways.  We also take seriously Jesus’ statement that we be a light to the world.  We want to have a positive effect in our homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and community.  Finally, we are committed to the task of taking the good news about Jesus to the world.

 You will find that Orion Christian is a casual, come-as-you-are kind of church.  We meet every Sunday for worship at 10:30. Between 10 and 10:30, we enjoy fellowship and snacks in the foyer.  That is a great time just to catch up with one another.  A children’s program is offered during the sermon.

 We hope that you will consider joining us for worship.  We would love to get to know you and to worship Jesus together.

 If you have any questions about our church or about what it means to be a follower of Jesus, or if there are any ways that our church can be of assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Kyle.  His phone number is (309) 428-1197 and his email is kyle@flyingfox.org.

 God bless,

 Kyle Harris
